Greetings, fellow flaneur.

Welcome to the present and the fledgling future.

My name is David.

When I’m not editing for others, I take my turn to write fiction and such, poetry and essays. Usually speculative, SFFH, but always thoughtful, and I write where my interests lead. You'll find pieces on Web3 culture, athletics, even paleohistory. Through the lens of what fascinates me, I do my best to share an exploration of the world around: from curiosity, with love.

If that sort of adventure strikes your fancy too...

If you don’t know where to start,

Here are a few selections from my published work.


Dropping Heat” is a short satire about what happens when you strain on Twitter.
Deep Work” tells of an extinct marine reptile who lived a fulfilling life.
Thrills and Chills” is a Pokémon story in which Gym Leader Misty goes out to Four Island for advice on what to do next.


‘The Stars are a Farce!’” is a collection of five poems musing about heaven.
The Digital World” is three poems about dystopia wrought by dorks.
Homes Away From Home” is proesia (prose poetry) about running shoes.


Start with the Truth” is what happens when you write an essay before you think about writing one.
Selfless Momentum” examines the dichotomy between gluttony and creativity through my experiences as a college athlete, plus Biblical allegory.

Lastly, I invite you to join the crew.

Be part of an artistic community beyond metrics and value (you’ll find more value here than anywhere on the web that claims to provide value) inside the Soaring Twenties Social Club.

To learn more about the company that provides the tech for this site, visit Ghost, then adjust your seat and start writing too!